The Company shall be responsible for the safety of her workers to prevent and eliminate the risk of injuries and damage to property by providing a secure working environment. We strive for excellence in all our activities especially in matters relating to safe work practices.
Our HSSE management system objectives are:
- Effective planning and implementation of the Management system which covers ISM requirements.
- Provide a safe, healthy and secure work environment by assessing all identified risks to its personnel and the environment taking necessary steps towards the preservation of the environment and establishing appropriate safeguard against all identified risks.
To achieve all of the above, we shall:
- Ensure that the services we provide are in compliance with mandatory rules, regulations, legal requirements, guidelines recommended by International Maritime Organization, flag administrators, classification societies, maritime industry’s standards and best practices to which we subscribe.
- Set and monitor targets for continuous improvement of HSSE and periodically review the HSSE system, its set objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement.
The management is fully committed to achieve its HSSE objectives and shall comply with requirements prescribed in the ISM code, IS0 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 at the shore offices as well as offshore.
I hereby commit all the company’s resources for the attainment of health, safety, security, environmental protection objectives.
Kunle Ajayi
Managing Director 26/3/2021